Eight years working in River Garden, holding the position of deputy manager and embassy housing team leader, successfully performed tasks as embassy house management, vacant house checking, renovation follow up and house make ready for the new hair straighteners comers. solve the complaints about the house maintenance and others, obtained the praise from the residents, which light the River Garden reputation. Assist the manager to make schedule of the daily operation, write bilingual notice and email, successfully completed festival activities such as cheap ralph lauren polo shirts Chunjie Dumpling, Easter, Hollween and Xmas, which filled my gap of ognization chi dazzle ability. Assit the manager to solve and handle serious complaints, eg, embassy officer put forward big ralph lauren polo shirts trouble on hot water, I looked into the matter and contact the worker to solve the problem, and called back to confirm with the resident, who finally highly praised River Garden. Assist the discount wedding dresses house owner to manage the vacant house, esp, to avoid water pipe to be frozen to raise more trouble to the house owner, and filed properly. Upgrade the Residents information file work, both in written and electronic.Patrol cheap wedding gown dresses and in the view of the occupants to prove the compound.Translate monthly newsletter, let the occupants know the latest information.